About Jolene's Story

Thursday, August 30, 2012

First Interview/Photoshoot with The Straits Time/ Life!

I am finally updating a blogpost under Jolene's Story! As most of you may have known, I did an interview with The Straits Time about my soon-to-be published book. I am so grateful to the very nice journalist, Adeline Chia for her write-up on my story. 

Took a screenshot of the below preview from Adeline Chia's facebook page. You may find her facebook page here : Adeline Chia's FB Page

The article was released on the 28th of August 2012, Tuesday. 2 days ago! :)

Received the first message from Gordon, a very good friend. And he was the first person who sent me a snapshot of my article! Next was from Nixon, telling me that my picture was the biggest! The whole day, well-wishes and heartfelt congratulation messages kept pouring in, making me super emotional the whole day. I was filled with so much love and gratitude that words could not apprehend my feelings that day. Thank you to all those that posted on my facebook/texted me/whatsapped me/sent me snapshots of the article/tweeted and called me. Biggest love to all of you! I appreciate that you all went to buy a copy of The Straits Time just for me. I cannot name all of you all to thank you all here but please know that I am very thankful to every individual who wished me the best!

From Hougang Secondary's teachers :)

 From work associates and ex-classmates...

 From people that I know from all walks of life :)

All your encouragement and love made this possible! I am not able to put up the article here as there may be infringement rights but if you missed out on the article on Tuesday, send me a message and let me know!

Let me end this post with something for you to think about throughout the day.

Follow @JoleneStory on twitter for more updated news on my book! 
Add Jolene Story on facebook as well.


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